EXILE (2010)



Before the Second World War, several thousand people in Austria  received  the possibility to escape from the violence of the subsequent period.

A Visa to Shanghai was that possibility. Once there, the fugitive citizens spent their lifes in exile, where they brought their cultural habits and lifestyle with them, while their relatives and friends got deported and murdered.


To go to exile, or to be forced to adapt to different circumstances, may be very difficult, but conception and age can make differences noticeable in handling those situations.


The decision to escape via visa, with the price being those who were left behind, is something that the viewer should see, for himself, through his own actions in this game.

I see games as one of the smallest systems of complex action, and I see this one appropriate for the viewer to experience the described circumstances.


I would like to say that the historical basis and background, should not be re-interpreted or misunderstood here as "child's play".




This "game" is about bringing the shapes home in the holes they fit the best.
This board tells us the story of the past.


Each character has, by its nature, three symbologies: The shape, color, and (if given) the scratching. In each figure they occur together as a statement. Starting with the onset of the figures from top left to bottom right, the game tells a story. We can decipher and interpret them, thanks to our culturally based color and shape code, with great consistency. 




Einladung zur Ausstellungseröffnung

am 21. April 2010, 11.00 Uhr

Jüdisches Museum Wien, Palais Eskeles
Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Wien

Begrüßung: Direktor Georg Haber, Jüdisches Museum Wien
Charlotte Sucher, Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur

Zur Ausstellung sprechen: Vizerektorin Univ. Prof. Barbara Putz-Plecko
Prof. Wolfgang J. Bandion, Sen. Art. Mag. Michael Schneider, Renata Darabant

Ein Projekt der Klasse Grafik und Druckgrafik Prof. Sigbert Schenk.
Überreichung der Mappe an das Jüdische Museum anlässlich der Ausstellungseröffnung.

22. April bis 21. Mai 2010
Sonntag bis Freitag, 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Samstag geschlossen